What are advantages of Medical Acupuncture offered at Acupuncture Murfreesboro?
What is Medical Acupuncture?
You may be surprised to learn that there are several forms of acupuncture.
Many people are familiar with what is known as Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture. This is acupuncture that is practiced in a way that emulates acupuncture as it is believed to have been practiced thousands of years ago.
Although it is valuable to honor the traditions of the past, it is also important to take advantage of the knowledge that has been gained about human physiology in recent years.
Medical acupuncture is provided by licensed doctors, including Chiropractic Physicians, that have a background in traditional acupuncture as well as in contemporary scientific clinical physiology. In a way, it is a blend of the most valuable parts of the traditional approach combined with a modern understanding of human function.
Just as it would be unreasonable for a heart surgeon to treat their patient based only on thousand-year-old knowledge, it is advantageous for acupuncture clinicians to have a legitimate background in contemporary human physiology. This can only be accomplished through years of modern education in clinical sciences.
Ready to learn more? Call us for a free consultation: (615) 895-1835
Although the internet is a great place to do searches for information, you will learn more by visiting us for a friendly, free initial consultation.
Come check us out! We welcome visitors, curious seekers and even skeptics.
We realize that acupuncture is new to many people, even though it has been around for thousands of years.
We promise that you will feel completely comfortable at all times and that we will provide helpful information to assist you in making decisions about your healthcare decisions.
We look forward to meeting you!
Want to get results faster? Call us now at (615) 895-1835
We welcome your e-mail contact, but we encourage you to accept our invitation to a friendly, free initial consultation.
You will sit with our doctor and discuss your specific needs. Ask any questions about any aspect of the treatment, fees, results or anything else.
Just call (615) 895-1835. We will schedule a convenient time for your visit.
We look forward to meeting you!
*If you decide that acupuncture is right for you, the sooner you call the sooner you can be feeling better! Don't put it off... the only thing you have to lose is your pain!