TMJ (Jaw pain clicking or popping) and Acupuncture
It’s not a tooth problem… it’s a joint problem. People naturally think of dentists when they have pain or popping, clicking or other symptoms involving the jaw joint.
However, in many cases dental treatment is not indicated for problems originating with this joint. In many cases, the problems are caused by joint problems, not tooth problems.
The Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) is a very complex joint. At the very heart of every issue that affects the TMJ is the matter of function. The TMJ joint is not working in the way it is supposed to work.
Identifying and correcting the joint functional problems is the key to solving TMJ issues.
There are five muscles on each side of the head that influence
movement of the jaw joint (TMJ). In order for the jaw joint to function properly and smoothly, that means a total of 10 muscles must coordinate their contractions and relaxations correctly.
Any imbalance in the strength, spasm, or tension on any of these 10 muscles can cause TMJ dysfunction.
Our Medical Acupuncture has proven to be very effective for correction of TMJ dysfunction related to muscle imbalance or dysfunction.