About Dr. Kestner
In 1998 Dr. Mark Kestner completed his first post-graduate course in acupuncture and was named a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. He subsequently sat for and successfully passed national board examination in acupuncture by NBCE. He has studied with respected experts in acupuncture from around the United States and from China.
In addition to studying traditional Chinese acupuncture, he has studied meridian style acupuncture and biomedical acupuncture. He has participated in studying acupuncture in post-graduate courses with acupuncturists, chiropractic physicians, medical physicians and physical therapists.
He participates in national and international professional communities to promote development of acupuncture as a clinical science. He is a past member of the British Medical Acupuncture Society and the American Academy of Pain Management
Our doctor is the first licensed doctor to bring clinical acupuncture to the Murfreesboro area. In post-graduate programs he has studied traditional Chinese and contemporary scientific acupuncture for more than thirty years. Dr. Mark Kestner has been a licensed Chiropractic Physician since 1988.
In his professional library Dr. Kestner has more than seventy acupuncture texts by authors from around the world. These volumes are written by experts in traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean acupuncture styles as well as contemporary authors regarding scientific and physiological aspects of acupuncture.
Dr. Kestner has authored articles that have appeared in national professional publications on acupuncture. He writes an ongoing column on how acupuncture affects human physiological processes.