Can our Medical Acupuncture Help your Back and Joint Pain?

Our Medical Acupuncture has been developed to be more effective than typical acupuncture for certain conditions. By basing our Medical Acupuncture not only on the traditional basis of acupuncture, but also on modern, contemporary physiological understanding of how the body works physiologically, we have found that we are able to help our patients heal more quickly and more completely.

Over many centuries, acupuncture has been shown to benefit an incredibly wide range of health concerns. In our office we have narrowed our application to focus on the conditions that we have found to be most reliably able to provide optimal results for our patients. This has resulted in being able to be more likely to produce the kind of results our patients are looking for. We have found that our patients often get better results than what may be typical from traditional acupuncture for the conditions we specialize in.

Chronic Pain

This is the most common reason most patients seek acupuncture. Your pain has been present for a while and is not getting better. Or, your pain may improve for a while, but it comes back. Recurring or persistent pain is an indicator that there is something wrong with the body. Chronic pain can often be dealt with much more successfully with our Medical Acupuncture than other treatments you may have tried. Not only does our Medical Acupuncture target the pain itself, but it can also address the reason for the pain.

Back and Neck Pain

Back and Neck pain are so common among adults that some doctors mistakenly think of back or neck pain as being “normal” as we age. Things that are common should never be thought of as normal. Just because a problem is frequently encountered does not mean we should accept it as being something that is unavoidable.

Our Medical Acupuncture has been remarkably helpful for many patients with back and neck pain, as well as related problems such as pinched nerves or sciatica. However, for acupuncture to be successful, it has to be used for a problem that can reasonably be expected to respond to acupuncture. That is why it is critically important for you to be evaluated to understand the underlying reasons for pain. Trying to solve a problem with a treatment that is not properly chosen will not yield positive outcomes. That is another advantage of having successfully treated more than 10,000 (TEN THOUSAND!) patients… our clinical experience over the past 4 decades has lead to a greater understanding of how to successfully solve painful problems.

Knee Pain

It is positively exciting to see patients that have been dealing with chronic knee pain for months or years begin to see their pain disappear after our Medical Acupuncture treatment. This is another area where our results often exceed that the typical acupuncture research would indicate. Here is a key difference in our Medical Acupuncture: We evaluate you to determine the cause of the knee pain before we plan treatment. Understanding knee function helps us determine why the pain is present and what can be done to eliminate the knee pain. Our Medical Acupuncture can be very helpful for treating knee pain.

Our Medical Acupuncture is not our only option for treating knee pain. We can also apply treatment to successfully reduce the internal joint pressure effectively. This has helped many patients that have been told they are “BONE-ON-BONE” and need surgery. As we effectively reduce the internal pressure, the knee pain goes away. Patients are able to go up and down stairs more easily.

Other Joint Pain

Our Medical Acupuncture can be used successfully to address practically any type of joint pain, in any joint. We have successfully treated SHOULDERS, ELBOWS, WRISTS, HANDS, FINGERS, HIPS, KNEES, ANKLES, FEET, and TOES. We also treat TMJ pain. The TMJ is the joint that causes jaw pain.

Migraine, Sinus and Tension Headache

Research has shown that acupuncture can be more effective than typical medications used for MIGRAINES. In our experience, patients are likely to begin experiencing FEWER MIGRAINES right away. Additionally, they report that when they do have any migraine pain, it is LESS INTENSE and DOESN’T LAST AS LONG. Fewer migraines, less intense, and shorter duration – that’s the goal.

Some of our migraine patients have even told us that their migraines STOPPED! After completing their initial treatment, they did not experience migraines. Or, in some cases, the migraines disappeared for several months or years, then some change,, stress, illness or injury triggered a return of the migraines. Follow up treatment helped the patients get back to a no-headache status.

Obviously, each patient will have an unique experience.


Sinus headaches or seasonal headaches can often be treated very successfully with our Medical Acupuncture. Allergies are included with this heading because there can be a link between seasonal allergies and sinus conditions.

Patient response to our Medical Acupuncture treatment for allergies and sinus headaches has been remarkable. In some cases, patients that had been taking prescription medication for allergies fore years have been able to discontinue the medications.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches typically arise from excess tightness in muscles, usually muscles of the head or neck. Patients are often prescribed drugs to mask the pain or to interfere with the muscle function such as muscle relaxers. However, side-effects of these drugs can cause serious complications.

Our Medical Acupuncture is often an ideal treatment for tension headaches. The treatment addresses the pain you feel as well as the pressure and muscle spasm. This can lead to a solution for the headaches rather than simply masking the pain temporarily.

Arthritis Pain

Have you been told your have arthritis? The good news is that even if you do have arthritis, particularly common osteoarthritis, it may be possible to significantly reduce the pain you feel in the affected joints. Our Medical Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in reducing joint pain due to osteoarthritis. In some cases the treatment has virtually eliminated the pain.

Schedule an evaluation to find out for yourself if we can help you.

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