Acupuncture works for allergies!

Some of the most rewarding cases I have treated have involved patients with long term allergy complaints.

In just about every case the patient has told me that they are tired:  Tired of taking the expensive drugs with all the possible side effects and tired of being tired.

It seems that the most common concerns I hear from patients with chronic allergy symptoms is that the drugs are expensive, they have a wide range of potential side effects, and almost all of the patients feel that they are more tired than they should be.  They often tell me that the drugs don’t work as well as they used to but their level of fatigue seems to be getting worse.

In my experience, allergy patients typically respond well to our particular acupuncture treatments.  

An adult patient recently told me about his progress:

 “Before I began receiving acupuncture treatment here it was not unusual for me to end up in the emergency room once or twice a month because of severe allergy symptoms.  They know me by name there.

“I was taking a fist-full of pills every day.

“I just realized I have not been to the emergency room since I began treatment at all and it has been over ten days since I have had any allergy medicine at all!”

Prior to beginning treatment this patient had symptoms that were worse than most patients, and he continues to improve.  

When a patient comes to see us for an initial consultation about allergies I will ask several particular questions about their health history.  I will also tell them about the treatment options we might be able to offer and answer their questions.

Patients are generally very happy they chose to receive treatment here.

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