At Acupuncture Murfreesboro, we take headaches seriously.
If you suffer with headaches you know that headache pain can literally steal your life away… a little at a time.
Many of our headache patients have found that they are soon able to begin taking less medication. It may be possible to eliminate the headaches (and the medications with all their side-effects) altogether.
In many cases, typical medical care for migraine patients involves a treatment regimen that may even include a cocktail of drugs that they rely on to prevent or stop a migraine headache. Patients often tell us that the side effects of the medications are a concern.
Migraine patients have often been advised to try to identify and avoid triggers such as certain foods, smells, environments or other circumstances
Our Medical Acupuncture addresses migraines from a different perspective.
Our Medical Acupuncture approach helps reduce the amount of internal stress, promotes calming of the nervous system as well as reduces the intensity and frequency of headaches. Migraine headaches respond well to our drug-free Medical Acupuncture.
It is theorized that acupuncture treatment helps balance the normal blood flow to the brain, eliminating the contraction and dilation of blood vessels.
Sinus headache pain is a very common problem in the Middle Tennessee area at all times of the year. Fortunately, sinus headaches are also typically very responsive to our Medical Acupuncture treatment.
Patients with sinus congestion, pain and headaches all report improvement, often before the first treatment is even complete.
Tension headaches typically respond very well to our acupuncture treatment. Our Medical Acupuncture helps reduce the vise-like pressure of the muscle contraction. Medical Acupuncture can be used to deactivate painful muscle trigger points that can be responsible for recurrent tension headache.
As with all conditions, your response will be unique depending upon the severity of the headaches, how long they have been a problem as well as your overall health condition and other factors.
Here is a video about new research that shows acupuncture can be more effective than medication for headaches and how acupuncture is being used at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic:
Here is a video produced by Duke University highlighting their remarkable study demonstrating that significantly more patients found relief from headaches from acupuncture than from medication.
This is a great opportunity for many headache sufferers to reduce or possibly even eliminate their chronic headaches. To learn more, call our office at (615) 895-1835.
Ready to learn more? Call us for a free consultation: (615) 895-1835
Although the internet is a great place to do searches for information, you will learn more by visiting us for a friendly, free initial consultation.
Come check us out! We welcome visitors, curious seekers and even skeptics.
We realize that acupuncture is new to many people, even though it has been around for thousands of years.
We promise that you will feel completely comfortable at all times and that we will provide helpful information to assist you in making decisions about your healthcare decisions.
We look forward to meeting you!
Want to get results faster? Call us now at (615) 895-1835
We welcome your e-mail contact, but we encourage you to accept our invitation to a friendly, free initial consultation.
You will sit with our doctor and discuss your specific needs. Ask any questions about any aspect of the treatment, fees, results or anything else.
Just call (615) 895-1835. We will schedule a convenient time for your visit.
We look forward to meeting you!
*If you decide that acupuncture is right for you, the sooner you call the sooner you can be feeling better! Don't put it off... the only thing you have to lose is your pain!